Terms and conditions

Business conditions

Portal operator

Karloveská 63
841 04 Bratislava - city district Karlova Ves
ID number: 50916912
TIN: 2120606730
VAT: SK2120606730
File Reference: Business register of the Bratislava I District Court, section: Sro, insert no. 120139/B
(hereinafter referred to as the Company)

Telephone number:
+421 902 731 894
E-mail: info@adelledavis.com

Inspectorate of the Slovak Trade Inspectorate
with headquarters in Bratislava for the Bratislava region
Bajkalská 21/A, PO BOX no. 5, 820 07 Bratislava
tel. no. 02/58 27 21 72, 02/58 27 21 04
email: ba@soi.sk

Terms and conditions of internet sale
(hereinafter also referred to as "Terms and Conditions")
I. General provisions and definitions

1. These Terms and Conditions regulate the rights and obligations of the Buyer and the Operator in the execution of Orders and the conclusion of Purchase Contracts through the Online Store.
2. The Operator of the Internet Shop is the company Adelle Davis, s.r.o., Karloveská 63, 841 04 Bratislava - Karlova Ves, ID No.: 50916912, VAT No.: 2120606730, VAT ID No.: SK2120606730, File No.: Commercial Register of the District Court Bratislava I, Section: Sro, Insert No.: 120139/B.
3. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, internet commerce means the internet commerce operated by the Company on the website www.adelledavis.sk, i.e. the purchase and sale of Goods to third parties via the website www.adelledavis.sk.
4. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions and the Online Shop, the Buyer is any natural or legal person who orders or purchases Goods offered and sold by the Company through the Company's Online Shop.
5. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions and the Online Shop, an Order means a binding order of the Buyer, by which, through the Order Form in the Online Shop, the Buyer expresses an interest in purchasing the Goods offered and sold by the Company by submitting the Order Form to the Company through the Online Shop.
6. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, acceptance of an Order means the sending of a confirmation email to the Buyer's email address set out in the Order by which the Company confirms that the Buyer's Order has been received by the Company and registered in its electronic system.
7. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, acceptance of an Order means the sending of a confirmation email to the Buyer's email address set out in the Order by which the Company confirms to the Buyer that its Order has been accepted.
8. Goods means, for the purposes of these Terms and Conditions and the Online Shop, any product, article or thing offered for sale by the Company through the Online Shop.
9. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions and the Online Shop, an Order Form means an electronic form delivered to the Company via the electronic system in the Online Shop, which contains in particular the Buyer's identification and contact details or billing details, the designation of the Goods ordered, the purchase price of the Goods including VAT, the place of delivery or collection of the Goods, the method of delivery of the Goods, the cost of delivery of the Goods, the Buyer's acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and the Complaints Procedure and the Buyer's consent to the processing of the Buyer's personal data by the Company.
10. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions and the Online Shop, delivery costs shall mean the cost of transport/delivery of the Goods from the Company's warehouse to the place of delivery of the Goods specified by the Buyer in the Order, whereby the Buyer may choose from the delivery methods and locations listed on the Company's portal. The Company reserves the right to change the method and place of delivery or cancel the Order by prior agreement with the Buyer based on unforeseen circumstances caused by serious events, e.g. on the part of the shipping company used by the Company.
11. All relations arising within the Internet shop between the Company and the Buyer shall be governed by the law of the Slovak Republic, in particular by Act No. 40/1964 Coll., the Civil Code. If the Buyer is an entrepreneur, the relations between the Company and the Buyer shall be governed by Act No. 513/1991 Coll., the Commercial Code.
12. The Buyer and the Company intend to resolve all their disputes arising under or in connection with the Purchase Contract preferably out of court. This includes recommending the Buyer to contact the Company first (see contacts in the header of these Terms and Conditions). If no resolution is reached, the Buyer may contact an out-of-court dispute resolution entity, such as the Slovak Trade Inspection Authority, or resolve the dispute using the European Commission's designated dispute resolution platform. If no out-of-court agreement is reached, the competent court will decide on the dispute.

II. Order and conclusion of the purchase contract

1. Each Order of the Buyer shall be binding on the Buyer.
2. The Buyer's Order is binding on the Company only if:
a. The Company confirms its Acceptance of the Order and at the same time Acceptance of the Order; and
b. The Buyer pays the full purchase price for the Goods ordered, including Delivery Charges.
3. The moment all the conditions set out in the preceding clause 2 of this clause are fulfilled, a contract of sale shall be concluded between the Company and the Buyer (hereinafter also referred to as the "Purchase Contract"). In the event that the Buyer fails to pay the entire Purchase Price including Delivery Costs within 5 business days from the date of Order Acceptance, the Company shall be entitled to withdraw from the Purchase Contract at any time.
4.An Order shall cease to have any legal effect if the Company, upon receipt of the Order, informs the Buyer in any form that it rejects the Buyer's Order or informs the Buyer in any form that it cannot comply with the Buyer's Order. The Company shall not be obliged to give reasons for refusing or not complying with the Order. The Order shall also lose any legal effect if the Company fails to confirm the Acceptance of the Order and at the same time the Acceptance of the Order in accordance with clause 2(a) of this Article within a period of 3 working days. The Buyer shall have no legal right to the Company's confirmation of the Order Acceptance and/or the Company's Acceptance of the Order.
5. By registering and completing the Order Form, the Buyer consents to the processing of his/her personal data contained in the Company's registration and Order Form pursuant to Art. No. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data, as amended (hereinafter referred to as "Act No. 18/2018 Coll.") for the purpose of further processing. Consent to the processing of personal data is valid until its revocation. This consent may be revoked in writing at any time. He also acknowledges that the rights of the data subject are regulated in the second title of Act No. 18/2018 Coll. For more detailed information, please refer to the article Personal data protection on the website www.adelledavis.sk.
6. Buyer's satisfaction with the purchase is determined by means of e-mail questionnaires within the framework of the Verified Customers program, in which our online store is involved.We send these to the Buyer every time he purchases from us, unless, pursuant to § 62 of the Act on the Purchase of Goods from Us, the Buyer has not made a purchase from us, and the Buyer has not made a purchase from us.
351/2011 Coll. on electronic communications, as amended, does not refuse the sending of electronic mail for direct marketing purposes. The processing of personal data for the purpose of sending questionnaires within the framework of the Verified Customers programme is carried out on the basis of our legitimate interest, which consists in ascertaining the Buyer's satisfaction with the purchase with us. For sending questionnaires, evaluating Buyer feedback and analysing our market position, we use a processing agent, which is the operator of the Heureka.sk portal, to whom we may pass information about the goods purchased and the Buyer's email address for these purposes. The Buyer's personal data is not passed on to any third party for their own purposes when sending email questionnaires. The Buyer may object to the sending of email questionnaires under the Verified Customer Program at any time by declining further questionnaires using the link in the questionnaire email. If the Buyer objects, we will no longer send the questionnaire to the Buyer.
7. The availability of the goods in the Company's Online Shop is displayed next to each product.
Due to the technical capabilities of the system on which the Online Shop runs, the Company is not able to guarantee the displayed availability (in particular, but not limited to, during unusually increased interest or ordering of the goods by other Buyers at the same time).

III. Purchase price, delivery costs and payment terms

1. The purchase price for the ordered Goods is specified in the Company's Online Shop, in the Order Form as well as in the Order Acceptance. In the event that the purchase price differs in the aforementioned sources, the Purchaser shall be bound by the purchase price stated in the Order Acceptance. In the event that the purchase price is increased to the detriment of the Buyer in the manner set out above, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the Order. However, the Buyer shall not be entitled to cancel the Order if the (binding) purchase price has already been paid by the Buyer.
2. The delivery costs are specified in the Order Form, the Order Acceptance as well as in the Order Acceptance. In the event that the Delivery Costs differ in the aforementioned sources, the preceding paragraph 1 of this Article shall apply accordingly.

Method of delivery by Packeta within the Slovak Republic:
The price for delivery is 3,30 € incl. VAT
Surcharge for payment method - cash on delivery = 1,20 € incl. VAT

Method of delivery by GLS within the Slovak Republic:
Price for delivery is 4,20 € incl. VAT
Surcharge for payment method - cash on delivery = 1,20 € incl. VAT

3. The purchase price does not include the cost of delivery of the ordered Goods.
4. The Buyer may choose the method of payment of the Purchase Price and the Costs of delivery of the Goods and the costs of reimbursement from the available choice of payment methods in the process of creating the Order. This is mainly in the form of a wire transfer to the Company's bank account specified in the Order Acceptance, or cash on delivery. The Buyer may also use the form of payment by credit card. The Purchase Price and Delivery Costs shall be deemed to have been paid only upon credit of the entire Purchase Price and Delivery Costs to the Company's bank account.
5. After selecting a specific payment method, the Buyer will be redirected to a sub-page with additional information about the purchase or to a payment gateway if he/she has chosen to pay online.

Accepted payment methods:

Online payment by credit card. (Visa, Maestro, MasterCard)
On-line payment for account holders at Postovna Banka.
On-line payment for account holders at Slovenská sporiteľňa.
On-line payment for account holders at Tatra Banka.
On-line payment for account holders at VUB Bank.
Cash on delivery

By bank transfer (in this case it is also necessary to specify the account number to which the payment is sent)
Individual payment methods may be subject to a fee, the fee is displayed in the Online Shop for each method and will be automatically added by the system to the total price of the Order after the Buyer has chosen it. The Buyer agrees to pay it.

6. When paying the purchase price in the form of a wire transfer according to the previous paragraph 4 of this article, the Buyer is obliged to indicate the correct variable symbol, which is indicated in the Order Acceptance. The Buyer acknowledges that in the event of providing an incorrect variable symbol or not providing any variable symbol, the electronic system may not assign the credited payment to his/her Order. In such case, the Company shall not be liable for any delay in delivery (or non-delivery) of the Goods ordered. In the event that an incorrect variable symbol is provided or no variable symbol is provided, the Company shall have the right to withdraw from the Purchase Agreement and shall not be liable for any third party damages or any other third party claims.
7. In the event that the Buyer wishes to have the method of delivery and place of delivery/acceptance of the Goods personally collected at the Company's warehouse (only possible by prior arrangement), the Buyer shall not be obliged to pay any Delivery Charges to the Company.
8. Upon acceptance of the ordered Goods by the Buyer, the Buyer shall become the owner of the ordered Goods, at which point liability for the risk of damage to the Goods shall also pass to the Buyer.
9. The Company may grant the Buyer a discount on the purchase price, but the Buyer is only entitled to such a discount if the Buyer fulfils the conditions which are or may be determined solely by the Company.

IV. Time and Method of Delivery of the Goods

1. The Company shall not be obliged to deliver the ordered Goods before the conclusion of the Purchase Contract, i.e. the Company shall be obliged to deliver the ordered Goods to the Buyer only when all the conditions set out in Clause 2 of Article II of these Terms and Conditions have been fulfilled. The Company is obliged to deliver the ordered Goods to the Buyer's place of delivery in its own hands either by courier service (hereinafter also referred to as the "Deliverer") or by personal delivery to the Buyer at the Company's warehouse, depending on which of the aforementioned methods of delivery the Buyer has expressed an interest in.
2. If the Goods are delivered by a Delivery Agent and the Goods are in sufficient quantity in the Company's warehouse, the delivery period for the Goods shall be 2-5 working days from the date of payment by the Buyer of the full purchase price of the Goods and the Delivery Charges. On personal collection of the Goods at the Company's warehouse, the Goods shall be ready by prior arrangement with the Buyer but not before the Buyer has paid the Purchase Price. The Company does not guarantee the delivery times of the Goods set out in this clause. The Buyer acknowledges that the delivery times of the Goods set out in this clause apply only if the place of delivery of the Goods is located in the Slovak Republic.
3. The contact point of the Company is located at Karloveská 63, 841 04 Bratislava.
4. The place of delivery of the Goods shall be the address specified by the Buyer in the Order Form as the address where the Goods ordered by the Company are to be delivered to the Buyer.
5. The Company delivers the Goods within the territory of the Slovak Republic or, at its discretion, to other countries (these options are depicted in the Online Shop). If the Buyer wishes the Goods to be delivered outside the territory of the Slovak Republic, the Company reserves the right not to accept the Order or to modify the terms and conditions of such Order accordingly (in particular the Delivery Costs, the method and time limits for delivery of the Goods), however, no later than in the Order Acceptance. In such case, the Company will generally contact the Buyer after receipt of the Buyer's Order and prior to the Acceptance of the Order.
6. The Company's obligation to deliver the Goods to the Buyer shall be discharged upon delivery of the ordered Goods to the Buyer or another person authorised by the Buyer to take delivery of the Goods.
7. The Buyer shall confirm delivery of the Goods to the Deliverer in writing. Together with the ordered Goods, the Buyer shall also receive an accounting document (in paper or electronic form).
8. In the event that the Buyer was to collect the Goods in person at the Company's warehouse pursuant to the Order and the Buyer fails to collect the Goods within 15 days from the date of payment of the full purchase price of the Goods, the Company shall be entitled to withdraw from the Purchase Contract at any time. In the event of cancellation of the Purchase Contract pursuant to the preceding sentence, the Company shall be entitled to claim from the Buyer reimbursement of the costs associated with the processing of the Order in the amount of €10, which amount it shall be entitled to recover from the purchase price paid for the Goods. The remaining part of the purchase price shall be refunded by the Company to the Buyer by wire transfer to the Buyer's account.
9. In the event that the Buyer fails (for any reason) or refuses to accept the ordered Goods delivered by the Deliverer, such Goods shall be returned to the Company, whereupon the Company shall be entitled to withdraw from the Purchase Contract at any time. In the event of cancellation of the Purchase Contract pursuant to the preceding sentence, the Company shall be entitled to claim from the Buyer a refund of €10 for the costs associated with the processing of his Order, which amount shall be recoverable from the purchase price paid for the Goods. The remaining part of the purchase price shall be refunded by the Company to the Buyer by wire transfer to the Buyer's account. The Buyer shall not be entitled to a refund of the Delivery Charges in this case.

V. Liability for defects, claims

1. Liability for defects in the ordered Goods and the method of handling a claim shall be governed by the Complaints Regulations of the Company's Online Shop.
2. The Buyer undertakes to comply with the instructions provided with the Goods purchased and received by him, in particular the instructions concerning storage and handling.

VI. Cancellation of the Order and withdrawal from the Purchase Contract

1. The Buyer may cancel the Order within a period of 12 hours at the latest from the time of delivery of the Order to the Company. An Order pursuant to the preceding sentence may not be cancelled if a Purchase Contract has already been concluded within the meaning of clauses 2 and 3 of Article 2 of these Terms and Conditions.
2. If these Terms and Conditions allow the Buyer to cancel the Order, the Buyer may cancel the Order by sending an e-mail to expedition@adelledavis.com, in which the Buyer shall clearly indicate the fact that he/she is cancelling the Order, the reason for cancelling the Order, his/her name, the characteristics of the Goods ordered, as well as the Order number (Order ID), if the Buyer has received an Order Confirmation indicating the Order number (Order ID).
3. In the event of cancellation of an Order pursuant to the preceding clause, the Company shall not charge the Buyer for any penalties, sanctions or reimbursement of costs incurred in connection with the Order.
4. The Buyer is entitled to withdraw from the Purchase Contract within 14 days from the date of receipt of the delivered Goods, even without giving any reason. The Buyer may do so using the Withdrawal Form sent to the Buyer by email to the address provided in the order or available for download from the Company's website in the Complaints Procedure section.
5. In the withdrawal from the Purchase Contract, the Buyer is obliged to indicate, in particular, his name, the Order number (Order ID) and the characteristics of the Goods ordered. To maintain legal certainty, the Buyer is advised to withdraw from the Contract in writing in the form of an email delivered to expedition@adelledavis.com or in paper form together with the returned Goods pursuant to Clause 6 of this Article.
6. Together with the withdrawal from the Purchase Contract, the Buyer is obliged to return the ordered Goods to the Company at his/her own expense to the address Adelle Davis, s.r.o., Karloveská 63, 841 04 Bratislava. A copy of the Withdrawal Form must be enclosed in the parcel.

7. In the event of withdrawal from the Purchase Contract by the Buyer, the Ordered Goods must be returned to the Company undamaged, unused and in their original packaging. Otherwise, the Company shall be entitled to monetary compensation in the amount corresponding to the degree of damage or use of the returned Goods or their packaging. The Company shall be entitled to satisfy its claim for monetary compensation out of the purchase price which it is obliged to refund to the Buyer in the event of cancellation of the Purchase Contract. In such event, the Company's claim for monetary compensation shall be extinguished by set-off against the Buyer's claim for reimbursement of the purchase price.
8. With the withdrawal from the Purchase Contract, the Purchase Contract shall be cancelled from the outset. In such case, the Company shall be obliged to:
a. take back the Ordered Goods from the Buyer; and
b. refund the Purchase Price paid for the Ordered Goods to the Buyer no later than within 15 days from the date of withdrawal from the Purchase Contract, by wire transfer to the Buyer's bank account, unless otherwise agreed between the Buyer and the Company; clause 9 of this Article shall not be affected.

9. The Company reserves the right to withhold the refund of the purchase price for the Goods until they are returned to the Company by the Buyer.
10. In the event that the Goods delivered did not meet the quality requirements or were defective, the Company is also obliged to reimburse the Buyer for the costs incurred by the Buyer in connection with the ordering of the Goods.
11. The Buyer may address its complaints, complaints or suggestions related to the services provided by the Company to the Company in writing to Adelle Davis, s.r.o., Karloveská 63, 841 04 Bratislava, or by e-mail to the e-mail address info@adelledavis.com.
12. The Company shall be entitled to withdraw from the Purchase Agreement for the reasons set out in these Terms and Conditions as well as for the reason that the ordered Goods cannot be delivered because they have been sold out, are out of production or it is not within the Company's capabilities to procure them, as well as if the purchase price of the ordered Goods has changed significantly or if the ordered Goods have been withdrawn from circulation based on the decision of the competent state authority. Withdrawal from the Purchase Agreement by the Company pursuant to this Agreement shall be effective on the date of delivery of the withdrawal from the Purchase Agreement to the Buyer. The Company may also withdraw from the Purchase Contract by electronic mail (e-mail) delivered to the Buyer at the Buyer's e-mail address specified in the Purchase Order.
13. The Buyer is not entitled to withdraw from the Purchase Contract in the case of purchase of goods that are not covered by this right according to Act 102/2014 Coll. on Consumer Protection.
14. The Purchase Contract is concluded for the duration of the longest warranty of the Goods in the Buyer's Order.

VII. Use of cookies

Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information that are downloaded to the visitor's/user's device when visiting our website. Cookies are then sent back to the website or another website that recognises them on each subsequent visit.

Cookies perform a variety of tasks, such as enabling efficient navigation between websites, remembering user preferences and generally improving the user experience. They can also ensure that advertisements displayed online are better tailored to the user's personality and interests.

We use the following cookies on the website:
- Strictly necessary cookies: these are necessary for the operation of the website, for example, they allow you to log in to secure parts of the site and other basic functionality of the site. This category of cookies cannot be disabled.
- Analytical/statistical cookies: for example, they allow us to recognise and track the number of visitors and track how our visitors use the website. They help us to improve the way the site works, for example by enabling users to easily find what they are looking for. We only run these files with the user's prior consent.
- Advertising cookies: these are used to track preferences and allow us to display advertising and other content that best matches the user's interests and online behaviour. We only run these files with the user's prior consent.
Please note that third parties (including, for example, external service providers) may also use cookies and/or access the data collected by cookies on the website.

Cookies used:

Technical name Publisher Purpose o description of cookies Privacy policy
analytical cookies Google Analytics statistical cookies for the purpose of detecting traffic https://policies.google.com/privacy
analytical cookies Dognet statistical cookies  https://www.dognet.sk/cookies/cookies_sk.pdf
marketing cookies Facebook statistical and marketing cookies for traffic evaluation, advertising, retargeting  http://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/

Further information about cookies and an up-to-date list of cookies can be found via the individual web browsers, most often under Developer Tools.

Consent can be expressed via a checkbox in the cookie bar or in a separate window. You can also subsequently refuse cookies in your browser settings or set your browser to use only certain cookies.

For more information on the management of cookies in individual browsers, please see the following links:

The Terms and Conditions are valid from 15.4.2024 until further notice.

Information for buyers: in the event of a change in the terms and conditions, the terms and conditions in force on the date of purchase shall apply.